How to be Better Than Your Workplace Rival

Caitlin Taylor
7 min readSep 30, 2020

It turns out that being smart doesn’t matter much. It’s helpful, sure. But it’s not relevant when the only thing you have to do is be persistent for 40+ years.

Image from hbieser via Pixabay

Okay, not the only thing. But Daniel Pink makes a good argument for persistence trumping talent every time.

The key to outshining that moron two cubes over boils down to stubbornness and grinding. (Videogame disambiguation, not dancing at the club.)

First, we dive into mindset, and then we’ll journey through strategic actions.

Law 30 — Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless

From Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power, make a super-suave power play by making your efforts seem effortless.

It’s also one of the basic expectations of any performance. We’re impressed when the athlete does something, and you think, “I could do that if I tried.”

When something seems difficult to other people, they make excuses about why they couldn’t do what you did. You lose the opportunity to inspire. The magic of your performance shatters.

Law 30 also states that you must keep the extent of your skills secret. When people know all of your tricks, you aren’t impressive anymore. However, when they know 95% of your tricks, you get…



Caitlin Taylor

Ghostwriter and blogger for businesses all over the world.